Getting your Foot in the Door

Interesting news: DC Comics has worked up, a new online imprint that will let aspiring comics creators submit their own work for publication.

Most people who produce online comics do so as labors of love. Some post their work online free, hoping to catch a publisher’s eye or gain a following, but Zuda will offer a rare chance to become a paid professional.Each winner will be awarded a one-year contract to produce their online series, DC Comics executives said. The company, a division of the Warner Brothers Entertainment, part of Time Warner, views the initiative as a chance to increase its library of intellectual properties, which can be lucrative as films, television shows and toys. DC Comics will also have the right to print the comics in collected editions.

“We’re not looking for a specific type of material — we’re actively looking for everything,” said Ron Perazza, the director of creative services for DC and one of Zuda’s chief architects. “We’re going into this with no ego. We can’t possibly know what an entire community will want to read,” he said.

I remember back when all the publishers would let you send them submissions. DC announced they were going to stop accepting submissions a few years ago — I guess they decided they needed a little new blood in the industry.

Any cartoonists out there interested in sending something in? Click here to go to their website.

(Link from Kevin Church)

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