Comics Industry for THAT ONE

Even for an election year, there is a lot of wild comics-related political news out there.

For example, there’s this new organization called “Comics Industry for Obama” — to the best of my knowledge, the first time a bunch of comics creators have gotten together specifically to support a single candidate. Eric Powell, creator of “The Goon” is a member, as is Mike Mignola, creator of “Hellboy.” More than likely, Erik Larsen, creator of “The Savage Dragon” has signed on with ’em, too. Buncha others — Mike Allred, Jimmy Palmiotti, Denys Cowan, Steve Niles, Cully Hammer, Rick Remender, Sarah Grace McCandless, Jennifer Grunwald, Andy Diggle, probably a bunch more whose names I just don’t recognize.

And with this group out there in the public eye, it probably won’t be long before we see a “Comics Industry for McCain” group — or maybe more likely, considering their actual popularity levels, “Comics Industry for Palin.” Eric Powell, for one, seems to feel like that’s A-OK.

I spoke about this with a fellow comic creator who signed up. We both acknowledged the fact that we could face a backlash from some readers for being associated with this. We were both of the opinion, “Oh, Well.” It’s time to grow a pair, people. I love my readers and if your views don’t mesh with mine, fine. If you don’t like Obama, work for McCain’s campaign. That’s your right. Just like it’s my right to support the candidate of my choice. That’s what the process is all about. Why does it have to be about getting pissed off and hating a guy because he has a different point of view?

It is kinda weird, isn’t it? There are folks out there who’ll actually quit reading Mignola’s “Hellboy” comics because his choice of candidate doesn’t match up with theirs. Did “Hellboy” and “B.P.R.D.” somehow stop being awesome? Did “The Goon” stop being the most hilariously violent comic out there? Of course not — but there are really people out there willing to stop reading Mignola’s, Powell’s, and Larsen’s comics in an attempt to punish them for having opinions that don’t mesh with their own. And of course, there may be liberals out there who won’t read old “Spider-Man” comics because Steve Ditko is conservative, or “Fables” because Bill Willingham is a Republican. It’s almost Stalinist — those who oppose the cult of personality must be cast out and erased…

I certainly recognize that there are legitimate reasons why someone might want to boycott an artist’s work, but boycotting someone because they want to exercise the right to vote seems a bit much…

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  1. WizarDru Said,

    October 9, 2008 @ 7:03 am

    People stopped reading Ditko because he let his politics guide his work. To my knowledge, Willingham hasn’t really done that. Compare Ditko’s “Mr. A” to Willingham’s “Fables” and you see what I mean. Ditko stopped producing entertainment and instead generated screeds…and that’s NOT what people were interested in when they bought his comics. They wanted Spiderman and Dr. Strange, he gave them Ayn Rand. He stopped ENTERTAINING his audience and they responded it kind. He let his politics transform his body of work, and put his message above his story.

  2. Scott Said,

    October 9, 2008 @ 8:05 am

    Additionally, Ditko virtually withdrew from the world, and has disowned the comics industry as a whole. He’s not producing anything new, and he doesn’t meet with fans.

    However, despite his politics, he’s still revered as a creator, and his previously published work is still sought after.

  3. michaelduff Said,

    October 9, 2008 @ 11:23 am

    Who is Batman voting for?

  4. Samuel Said,

    October 9, 2008 @ 3:56 pm

    Batman is a rich tycoon who was imprisoned in some foreign country – and a bit “mavericky” too.

    I would like to see a Batman comic with Palin on the cover, though. Palin’s character would be like a comedian in the day who turns into a pitbull who eats corrupt men at night.