Politics in Comics: Sarah Palin

Hey, Samuel, got one more for ya!

Now I’ve already mentioned the recent appearance of GOP veep candidate Sarah Palin on the cover of the newest incarnation of “Tales from the Crypt,” right?

Well, lo and behold, there’s another comic coming out focusing entirely on Palin.

This one is similar to the recent comics biographies of Barack Obama and John McCain, and a related one on Hillary Clinton. It’s aiming to be a warts-and-all bio of Palin, but unfortunately, if you’re a Palin fan, you won’t be able to get it before the election. Due to long publication lead times, this one won’t hit the stands ’til early February. And depending on the outcome of the election, you’ll either get the Happy Palin Ending or the Sad Palin Ending.

(Never let it be said that I won’t throw any old thing up just for the sake of nabbing some hits from Republican Palin groupies. Yeah, that’s right, no shame whatsoever here. Just gimme those precious lifegiving hits, ya moose-worshiping Palinmonkeys! GIVE THEM ME.)

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  1. raiderbuzz Said,

    October 22, 2008 @ 7:19 am

    I really, really like Bullwinkle.

  2. Scott Said,

    October 22, 2008 @ 8:04 am

    Ell. Oh. Ell. 🙂

  3. Hilary Clinton On Best Political Blogs » Politics in Comics: Sarah Palin Said,

    October 29, 2008 @ 7:12 pm

    […] Politics in Comics: Sarah Palin This one is similar to the recent comics biographies of Barack Obama and John McCain, and a related one on Hillary Clinton. It’s aiming to be a warts-and-all bio of Palin, but unfortunately, if you’re a Palin fan, you won’t be able to … […]