Friday Night Fights: Boxing Day!

Peace on earth and goodwill towards men?! I think we’ve had quite enough of that by now. It’s definitely time to jump back in, with fists flying and bones cracking, for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight, we’re heading back to May of 2000 for JSA #10 by David Goyer, Geoff Johns, Stephen Sadowski, and Michael Bair, for a quick round of fisticuffs between Ted “Wildcat” Grant and Killer Wasp.

Man, am I glad I realized it was Boxing Day. I’d hate to let a pun that awesome go uncommemorated…

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  1. Friday Night Fights: KA-POW! Round 7 | Said,

    December 26, 2008 @ 9:24 pm

    […] Hero Sandwich Starts It Off With an Uppercut – KRACKKK!! […]