Taking a Break


Hey, folks, I’m taking a very short break from the blog — I’ll be back on the job on Monday, but I just feel the need for a couple extra days of enjoying the beautiful weather, working on some other projects I’ve had on the back burner, and not thinking too hard about comic books.

So it’s basically two days off. Y’all can survive without me for that long. There, there — no need to cry…

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  1. LES Said,

    April 1, 2010 @ 11:19 am

    Well…O.K. if you find it necessary!!
    Enjoy and come back refreshed.

  2. Maggie Said,

    April 1, 2010 @ 1:26 pm

    I hated it when Bane broke Batman’s back and then stupid Azriel took over. But great pic!