Friday Night Fights: 1,001 Brain Blasts!
Yes, yes, we all love a little violence on our Friday nights, but let’s talk about what’s really important tonight — my 1,001st post! Namely, this one! Yes, I’m going to milk this just as long as I can, so go lump it, haters.
My initial thought was to try to find a fight sequence that would match up thematically with the number 1,001. That’s kinda a tall order. There’s “The Thousand and One Nights” and that’s really about it. “Fables” had a storyarc focusing on characters from Middle Eastern folklore and fiction, but I actually stopped collecting that series a bit before that arc began. There’s the extraordinarily brilliant 50th issue of “Sandman,” with the story titled “Ramadan,” but that one’s entirely free of violence.
So I finally decided, the heck with a theme, I’ll go with something that’s just plain awesome.
From March 2007’s Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #9 by Jeff Parker, Juan SantaCruz, and Raul Fernandez, here are Capdoc, Stormdoc, Spidoc, Hulkdoc, Gi-Doc, Irondoc, and Woldoc, transformed, obviously, into hyperintelligent brain-zapping MODOKs, taking on Attuma and his hapless army:
There is nothing in the world more wonderful than giant-headed superheroes riding around in floaty yellow chairs.
Y’all really wanna give me a “Merry 1,001 Posts on your Comic Book Blog” present, y’all head over to Spacebooger’s place after 10 tonight or any time this weekend, and vote for me.
And y’all have a great weekend…
April 23, 2010 @ 7:45 pm
[…] M.O.D.AVENGERS (Hero Sandwich) […]
swampy Said,
April 23, 2010 @ 9:16 pm
hurrah for 1001 posts!!
Tweets that mention Hero Sandwich » Friday Night Fights: 1,001 Brain Blasts! -- Said,
April 28, 2010 @ 6:42 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Epic Sandwich. Epic Sandwich said: Hero Sandwich » Friday Night Fights: 1001 Brain Blasts! […]