The Triumphant Return of the Lubbock Comic Book Expo
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, fanboys and fangirls of all ages, the Lubbock Comic Book Expo is all set to go for another year.
When’s it happening? April 9-10, during the annual Lubbock Arts Festival. Where? That’d be at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, at 1501 Mac Davis Lane.
Who’s going to be there? Well, probably lots and lots of people, but I don’t know who yet. Hopefully, you’ll be there, ’cause you’d like it, I promise.
As in previous years, the emphasis for the Comic Expo is on the artists who make up the Lubbock comic art community, including the Lubbock Sketch Club. Sure, there’ll be a lot of stuff there for comics fans, but there’s going to be a lot to throw the focus on the people who are working on their comics art skills.
Kenny Ketner is in charge of everything this year, and it’s still pretty early, but he tells me he’s working on a lot of stuff to make sure the convention goes off well.
Events? Probably quite a few. Expect a variety of speakers, the sketch area for the kids (and for parents willing to draw fun stuff), the Iron Artist event, the always-popular costume contest, and a lot more. The theme for this year’s Arts Festival is “Colorful Crayola Art,” so I’d bet on some events having to do with Crayolas and crayons.
Admission fees? Don’t hold me to this, ’cause it’s the only thing I forgot to ask Kenny about — but if it’s like previous Expos, you’ll have to pay to get into the Arts Festival (This year, it’s just three dollars, and that’s cheap, baby), but if the only thing you’re attending is the Expo, it’ll be completely free. And yes, that’s completely within your budget, so don’t try to waffle out of it.
Some of y’all out there may want to get yourself a table at the Expo, either as a vendor or an exhibitor. I can actually help you with that! You just need to fill out these PDF forms for vendor applications and exhibitor applications, and send Kenny your fees. Mmm, sweet, sweet moneys. Hopefully, Kenny’s gonna buy us all shiny new ridin’ goats.
What else to tell? The folks at the Hub City’s Robot Cowboy Studios are working on a new logo. I reckon it won’t be too long before you’ll be seeing it on posters around the city. But it ain’t ready yet, so keep yer pants on, pilgrim. The PDF forms for vendors and exhibitors are mostly almost nearly ready — the current versions are a little too large for me to upload to the site here, but I’m hoping for some more manageable versions soon.
Have you got that penciled on your calendar yet? It’s the Lubbock Comic Book Expo — April 9-10 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, 1501 Mac Davis Lane, during the Lubbock Arts Festival.
There has never been a Comic Book Expo that hasn’t been pure 1000% ham-stuffed awesomesauce. Don’t miss it, or you’re a sucka.