Friday Night Fights: Mangled Miracle!

Okay, kiddios, if it’s late Friday afternoon, and we’re in the mood for some random comic book violence to kick off the weekend, then it must be time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from October 1973’s Fantastic Four #139 by Gerry Conway, John Buscema, and Joe Sinnott, as Ben Grimm takes on some guy called the Miracle Man.

Short and sweet — and now you’re ready to head out and punch your weekend’s head off, too!

Y’all be good — or not so good, if you’d prefer — and I’ll see you back here on Monday.

1 Comment

  1. Friday Night Fights: “Repeat Rehash Revenge!” Round 2 | Said,

    April 15, 2011 @ 8:38 pm

    […] Thing (Hero Sandwich) […]