Friday Night Fights: Marvelous Mashing!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Friday night, and we are in dire need of some appropriately awesome comic book violence to get our weekend started off right. Would you please put your hands together for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from October 1977’s Marvel Team-Up #62 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Dave Hunt. The Super-Skrull is up to no good, and only Carol Danvers is around to stop him!




Even with a shapeshifting neck, that’s gotta hurt.


  1. Friday Night Fights: “Sugar Ray” Round 8 Said,

    January 24, 2014 @ 7:40 pm

    […] Ms. Marvel (Hero Sandwich) […]

  2. Andy Said,

    January 24, 2014 @ 11:39 pm

    Hey, I have that issue!

  3. scottslemmons Said,

    January 25, 2014 @ 6:06 am

    It looks like a good one — I kinda wish I had it. 🙂