Lubbock Sketch Club in the spotlight!


Hey, if you haven’t seen it yet, y’all need to check out the article in today’s Lubbock Avalanche-Journal about the Lubbock Sketch Club!

Let’s take a quick look at an excerpt:

A flyer for the Lubbock SketchClub’s weekly Saturday meeting features a big smiling character who says, “I can’t even draw stick figures!”

The quote places a sarcastic spin on the belief of the club’s founder, Will Terrell, that everyone has artistic potential.

“We have seen people (go from) drawing stick figures to life-like characters in six months,” said Terrell, a professional comic book artist whose resume includes being the colorist for Disney’s “Gargoyles” and “The Goblin Chronicles” comic book.

Terrell, 31, started the club in October 2006 to create a community for cartoonists and comic book artists in the Lubbock area. Meetings are free and open to all ages and skill levels.

The club’s success has been built on diversity in membership and participants’ willingness to share work and give feedback to each other, Terrell said.

As they say in the funny pages, read the whole thing.

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