Friday Night Non-Fights: Lolli-Popped!

Okay, so Spacebooger has decreed that we’re taking a two-week break from Friday Night Fights, but that doesn’t mean that we actually have to stop the violence, right? After all, it’s been a rough week, and what we all need is a heaping mega-dose of pain and suffering and fisticuffs to make sure the weekend gets started off right! So let’s get right to the Pure Testosterone-Pumped Bone-Breakage!

From April 2008’s, umm, Tiny Titans #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco: Witness the heart-stopping brutality as Plasmus encounters a bunch of the Titans in a local park:


Well, alright, not so much the pain this time. But I think we can excuse it for once, because we all love lollipops. Y’all have a merry weekend…

No Comments

  1. Spacebooger Said,

    May 15, 2009 @ 8:28 pm

    There may not be any new fights, but there is a championship round going on over at this week.
    Oh, and I also like lolli-pops!

  2. Scott Slemmons Said,

    May 15, 2009 @ 9:43 pm


    (uses hypnosis on Spacebooger)